Note-ify 筆記、任務管理器、待辦事項清單 v5.9.69 高級 APK

說明: Take good notes, plan, and organize with quick to-do lists.記下良好的筆記,計劃和整理待辦事項清單。 Do you have something important to remember?您有重要的事情要記住嗎? No problem!沒問題! Set a reminder for one of your notes or lists and receive a notification at the time you set.為您的筆記或列表之一設置提醒,並在設置時收到通知。 Use audio options like voice memos or dictate with speech-to-text to quickly record instead of typing.使用語音備忘等音頻選項,或使用語音轉語音命令來快速記錄而不是打字。 Attach files to your notes or create notes from templates to enhance your notes even further.將文件附加到您的筆記或從模板創建筆記,以進一步增強筆記。 Press the star key to create favorites and easily navigate to your most important notes.按星號鍵創建收藏夾,並輕鬆導航至最重要的筆記。

所需的Android版本: 棒棒糖[5.0–5.0.2]-棉花糖[6.0-6.0.1]-牛軋糖[7.0 – 7.1.1]-奧利奧[8.0-8.1]

下載Note-ify筆記,任務管理器,待辦事項列表v5.9.69 Premium APK Free
