由Smule進行的AutoRap在酷節奏v2.5.9 APK上進行強姦

說明: Do you want to rap AutoRap lets you record a rap song with a sweet beat in minutes, whether you've just thought of a cool rhyme or you've been freestyling for years.是否要說唱AutoRap可以讓您在幾分鐘內錄製出優美的節奏的說唱歌曲,無論您是想過很酷的韻律還是多年的自由風格。 Choose from over 100 beats from top artists such as J. Cole, Post Malone, Drake, Kendrick, Eminem, Dr Dre and many others, or explore the various beats created by the community.您可以從J. Cole,Post Malone,Drake,Kendrick,Eminem,Dr Dre等頂級藝術家的XNUMX多種節拍中進行選擇,或者探索社區創造的各種節拍。 Share your rap song with friends and social media to get it out there.與朋友和社交媒體分享您的說唱歌曲,以達到目標。 Invite friends to work on tracks together and have fun.邀請朋友一起在軌道上工作並玩得開心。
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所需的Android版本: 棒棒糖[5.0–5.0.2]-棉花糖[6.0-6.0.1]-牛軋糖[7.0 – 7.1.1]-奧利奧[8.0-8.1]

從酷節奏上下載Smule Make Raps的AutoRap v2.5.9 APK VIP免費
