Word Art Creator Word Cloud Generator v1.9 PRO APK

Word Art Creator Word Cloud Generator v1.9 PRO APK

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Pic Frame Photo Collage Maker та редактор зображень

Оцінити цю посаду

Описи: Word Art Creator - word cloud generator created to create beautiful word clouds that put your words into shapes. Word Cloud has its own shape store with more shape categories. Word Cloud App Maker is super customizable with different fonts, colors and word layouts. This app creates word cloud collages with randomly selected words and applies the color of the selected palette and arranges words to fit an image or shape. You don't have to worry about arranging each word with different fonts and colors as the free word cloud generator efficiently chooses the right color and font combination for maximum visibility of each word. The app offers a unique font style and colors to choose from.

Особливості гри:

+ Enter as many words as you want.
+ Choose up to five different word colors for a fresh look.
+ Choose the right background color.
+ You can even create a transparent background.
+ There are many shapes to frame your idea.
+ Select one or more fonts, just like colors.
+ It looks amazing, you can share it with friends, family and all social sites.

Обов’язкові версії Android: Льодяник [5.0–5.0.2] - Зефір [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Нуга [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download Word Art Creator Word Cloud Generator v1.9 PRO APK Free
