Telepon Telepon Leres & Kontak & Perekam Telepon v2.0.11 Pro APK Lite

Katerangan: True Phone is highly customizable but easy to use and offers you a very convenient way to quickly access your recent calls, contacts, favorites and groups. It comes with the idea of ​​removing unnecessary elements in order to save space for content and to make everyday use extremely easy with just one hand navigation.
Fitur :

+ Large photos when called
+ Desain sareng penampilan anu tiasa disaluyukeun
+ Rékam telepon
+ Pangelompokan calakan tina telepon panganyarna
+ Rojongan pikeun sababaraha basa
+ Napigasi beresih sareng merenah
+ Desain modéren sareng disesuaikan
+ Rojongan pikeun topik
+ Ngalegaan dukungan SIM ganda
+ Tingali sareng édit kontak anjeun dina hiji tempat
+ Just create new contacts for a specific account
+ Show the desired contact information
+ Ngan ngahubungi réréncangan anjeun dina jaringan sosial
+ Simply link your similar contacts
+ Bagikeun kontak anjeun salaku téks atanapi vCard
+ Jieun sareng édit grup kontak
+ Atur karesep anjeun
+ Simply access functions you need right now

Perangkat Android anu dibutuhkeun: Sandwich És Coklat [4.0.3–4.0.4] - Kacang Kacang [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lollipop [5.0-5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download True Phone Dialer & Contacts & Call Recorder v2.0.11 Pro APK Lite Free
