Graphionica Photo & Video Collages stiker & téks v2.3.8 APK Ngalanggan

Katerangan: Graphionica is a stylish free photo editor that allows you to create beautiful Instagram stories and make designs for any social network. Create beautiful collages, combine several photos and videos at the same time, add drawings, stickers and textures for backgrounds. You can add text on photo or video, add stickers on photo or video, add captions on photo or video, add captions on photo or video, and schedule social media feeds. You can erase the background from any photo and save the result as your own sticker. You can delete video! Surprise your Instagram followers! Add awesome fonts to your Instagram stories!
Fitur :

+ Tambihkeun hurup siap-siap gratis tina bungkus stiker anu dieusi deui atanapi nyerat téks anjeun nyalira nganggo salah sahiji seueur fon anu aya dina aplikasi. Sababaraha fon ngadukung Sirilik.
+ Anggo témplat anu siap-siap.
+ Jieun témplat anjeun sorangan.
+ Graphionica supports all common resolutions for stories and Instagram feeds. Export your story in high resolution with no loss of quality.
+ Tambihkeun sadayana: gambar, kaligrafi sareng prasasti dina format PNG.
+ Hapus poto, stiker sareng téks khusus anjeun sareng damel sareng lapisan
+ Graphionica ngadukung pidéo.
+ Sajarah.

Perangkat Android anu dibutuhkeun: Nougat [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

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