Субваи Сурферс в2.26.2 Мод (Неограничен новац) Апк

Субваи Сурферс в2.26.2 Мод (Неограничен новац) Апк

Аркада , Games

СИБО Гамес

4.2/5 - (5 гласа)

Субваи Сурферс - This is a classic parkour game. The graphics of this game are beautiful and exquisite. There are a variety of colors in this game to make people comfortable, very smooth to use, and clean. By simply swiping up, down, and left to right to dodge obstacles and oncoming trains, you'll help the protagonist dodge the grumpy cop and his dog. In the air, you can also change direction from left to right, and you can also double-click the screen to bring up the skateboard, which is the equivalent of adding a life in a limited amount of time. The game also includes various props such as feather shoes.

* Гринд возове са својом цоол екипом!
* Шарена и живописна ХД графика!
* Сурфовање лебдећим даском!
* Јетпацк напаја!
* Муњевита акробација!

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