Stërvitja me shtangë dore në shtëpi v1.1.9 Pro APK

Stërvitja me shtangë dore në shtëpi v1.1.9 Pro APK

Apps , Shëndeti dhe Fitness

Grupi i Fitnesit brishtë

4/5 - (1 votë)

Përshkrimet: Hundreds of exercises in this app covering all major muscle groups, shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs, legs, etc. We have prepared 2 exercise databases - dumbbell and body weight. Your coach will select the workout based on your goal, fitness level, etc. and create personalized plans for you. You can also customize your bodybuilding plans to suit your own needs.

Karakteristika :

+ The exercise reminder helps you to make exercise a daily habit
+ Sinkronizoni të dhënat me Google Fit
+ Track your weight loss progress
+ Track your calories burned, calculate your BMI
+ Change the speed, the laps and the 3D trainer character of the exercises
+ Calendar automatically marks your training days
+ Reports clearly record your training progress, duration and calorie consumption

Versione të kërkuara për Android: Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download Dumbbell Workout at Home v1.1.9 Pro APK Free
