سن لوڪٽر پرو v4.20-pro APK ادا ڪيل SAP

سن لوڪٽر پرو v4.20-pro APK ادا ڪيل SAP

ائپس , ڦوٽو گرافي

جيني ويريئر

هن عهدي درجه بندي

تفصيلات: سج لوڪٽر هڪ ڏينهن جي دوران هڪ ڏنل جڳهه تي سج ۽ چنڊ جي پوزيشن ۽ رستي جي اڳڪٿي ڪري ٿو.

+ In the main view all detailed information is shown: sunrise / sunset, moonrise / moonset, blue hour, golden hour, sun noon, twilight times, moon phase and much more
+ In the camera view, the sun position and the moon position are displayed, which are directly on the camera of your device. Use the slider to set the time of day and follow the sun's movement directly. [A device with a magnetometer (compass) is required to use the AR function.]
+ The map function shows the position of the sun and the moon, the direction and the shadow on a map to help you plan your activities.

گهربل اوڳاڙي جو بيان نوگٽ [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download Sun Locator Pro v4.20-pro APK Paid SAP Free
