Lanota ميوزڪ راند ڪهاڻي سان v2.9.0 Mod (Unlocked) Apk

Lanota ميوزڪ راند ڪهاڻي سان v2.9.0 Mod (Unlocked) Apk

رانديون , موسيقي

Noxy Games Inc.

هن عهدي درجه بندي

Lanota - Which title of music impresses you the most? Perhaps the answer will most likely be Piano Tab, as the game has a significant number of music tracks that you are free to choose. Your pace will also get faster so you don't have to worry about getting bored with playing all the time. But maybe for some players the black and white buttons are too simple and visually boring, on the other hand there are only two black and white buttons as mainstream.
Play the tunes and follow the rhythm, explore and animate the world. Unlock music of different genres, conquer specially designed boss stages and indulge in an artistic picture book!
* جديد ۽ متحرڪ تال راند. تال واري راند نه جيڪا توهان کي خبر هئي: اسان رڪارڊ ۾ هڪ منفرد اينيميشن شامل ڪندا آهيو جنهن تي توهان کيڏي رهيا آهيو.
* آرٽسٽڪ ۽ تازگي واري تصويري ڪتاب
* ڪارڪردگي، ليڊر بورڊ، ۽ وڌيڪ

Download Lanota Music game with story v2.9.0 Mod (Unlocked) Apk واندو
