Choonadi Kapena Kuyesa v10.1.3 Mod (Yotsegulidwa) APK ya XNUMX

Choonadi kapena Kulimba mtima - is a classic and even iconic game that can be used for a wide variety of businesses, ages, and basic pastime goals. A special feature of this project is that all aspects have been gathered in what makes it universal. A convenient system of setting parameters allows you to set the rules, limits of what is allowed, the general context of everything that happens, and much more. This will help you have a great time while not creating negative situations due to a provocative and inappropriate question or task. So truth or dare is a must for anyone looking to relieve boredom.
* Zikwi za mafunso oyambilira ndi zoyeserera.
* Mitundu yamaphwando akuluakulu apanyumba, mabanja omwe ali pachibwenzi, ndi abwenzi.
* Five difficulty levels including slack pack under 18 and packs for adults.
* Sinthani mutu kuti ugwirizane ndi momwe mukumvera.
* Onjezani osewera angapo.
* Sinthani funso kapena ntchito ngati simukuzikonda.
* Kuchepetsa intaneti si vuto. Ndi kwathunthu offline.

Tsitsani Choonadi Kapena Dare 10.1.3 Mod (Yotsegulidwa) yaulere
