Kamera Block Free Anti spyware & Anti pulogalamu yaumbanda v1.58 APK yotsegulidwa
Chithunzi Pachithunzi Chithunzi Pachithunzi Chithunzi Pachithunzi Chithunzi Pachithunzi

Description:Block, disable and secure the phone camera and protect your privacy from spyware. App blocks all camera resources and disables the camera's access to other apps and the entire Android system. The app protects your phone camera from threats to your privacy, such as: By viruses, surveillance, spyware and malware

+ Protect your privacy from phone camera spies
+ Monitor which apps have camera permissions
+ Konzani nthawi zotsekereza zokha
+ Easy+to+use home screen widget for quick access
+ Mapangidwe osavuta komanso omveka bwino okhala ndi ma template 2 ndi ma seti angapo azizindikiro.

Zofunikira za Android:Amasamba osiyanasiyana ndi chipangizo

Tsitsani Camera Block Free Anti spyware & Anti pulogalamu yaumbanda v1.58 APK yotsegulidwa Kwaulere
