Win 11 Launcher v8.30 Pro APK

Win 11 Launcher v8.30 Pro APK

Apps , निजीकरण

स्पार्क ग्रह

३.2.5/५ - (votes भोट)

वर्णन: Are you bored with Android interface and want to enjoy Windows style launcher on your Android? No waiting, now Win 11 and Win 10 Launcher is here for you (Inspired by Win 11 and Win 10 OS). Customize your phone with the fast, clean and energy efficient launcher with a unique look and feel. Surprise your friends with your Android's new look and share it with your loved ones too.

+ Cut, copy, paste, rename files
+ Zip/UnZip files
+ See file properties
+ फोल्डरहरू सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्
+ Create shortcuts
+ Customizable theme colors
+ Android apps in stylish tiles
+ The best apps are available in one click
+ Windows Phone Experience on your Android
+ एपहरूमा सजिलो नेभिगेसन

आवश्यक Android संस्करणहरू: ललीपप [५.०–५.०.२] - मार्शम्यालो [६.० - ६.०.१] - नौगाट [७.० - ७.१.१] - ओरियो [८.०-८.१]

Download Win 11 Launcher v8.30 Pro APK Free
