FIFA Soccer v15.5.02 Mod Apk

FIFA Soccer v15.5.02 Mod Apk

खेल , खेल

इलेक्ट्रनिक आर्ट्स

३.4.2/५ - (votes भोट)

And now the long-awaited फिफा सोकर is ready to meet all football fans. Excellent graphics and animation, convenient controls, gameplay that combines a manager and a simulator, dozens of leagues, clubs, and thousands of real athletes await both veterans and beginners. With the training system, you can join the process in no time. Always be ready to join the battle for the championship title.
* पहिलो पटक लिग खेलहरूमा आफ्नो मनपर्ने टोलीको रूपमा खेल्नुहोस्
* Experience improved graphics with up to 60 fps*
* Compete in new, upgraded soccer stadiums, including several classic FIFA venues
* Score a goal to cheer football fans with realistic stadium SFX and live on-field audio commentary
* Premier League, LaLiga Santander, Bundesliga and more of the biggest leagues
* वास्तविक फुटबल गतिविधिहरूलाई इन-गेम पुरस्कारहरूमा रूपान्तरण गर्ने र तपाईंले आफ्नो Adidas GMR लाई नयाँ सिजनमा जडान गर्दा एक विशेष ८४ OVR João Félix वस्तु अनलक गर्ने थप तरिकाहरू

FIFA Soccer v15.5.02 Mod Apk डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस् नि:शुल्क

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