Trivia Crack v3.124.1 Mod (verżjoni sħiħa) Apk

Trivia Crack v3.124.1 Mod (verżjoni sħiħa) Apk

logħob , Trivia


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jixxaqqaq trivia - Take part in the game; Your task is to collect the characters that correspond to the avatar in the 6 categories of the game. The categories correspond to 6 areas of knowledge, including art, science, sports, entertainment, geography and history. To start the game you need to choose the language, game mode and opponent. The game mode includes in particular: Classic and Challenge. In challenge mode, two participating players have to bet on their character. Then the system asks each player the same 6 questions. Each question belongs to a different genre, the player who answers most of the questions correctly wins and wins the character of the opponent. In the field of two people with the same number of correct answers, the challenger is defeated.
* Għandek bżonn aktar informazzjoni llum? Żur Trivia Rush biex tagħmel l-imħatra tiegħek u tilgħab mal-avversarju tiegħek f'mistoqsija ta' kwizz ta' kuljum. Imma żommu rwieħhom, hemm tournaments kull ġimgħa!
* Ilgħab il-mod ta' plejer wieħed biex twieġeb mistoqsijiet bla waqfien u tegħleb il-punteġġ għoli tiegħek. L-ebda twists, l-ebda stennija, igawdu l-affarijiet żgħar tal-ġurnata bil-pass tiegħek!
* Irbaħ l-akbar premjijiet tagħna qatt b'missjonijiet!
* Agħmel kaċċa għat-teżor! Iġbor it-tweġibiet biex tgħaddi mill-mappa u ssib premjijiet kbar!

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