BTS Universe Story v1.3.0 Mod (verżjoni sħiħa) Apk

BTS Universe Story v1.3.0 Mod (verżjoni sħiħa) Apk

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Rata din il-kariga

Storja tal-Univers BTS is an interactive novel that introduces players to an incredibly popular universe. A special feature of the project is not a set of qualities and mechanics familiar to the genre, but a very serious freedom of action of the players. You will not only be an observer, able to influence the plot on a regular basis but an almost full participant in the events that play out on the screen. A multitude of mechanics and modes, a fascinating plot, well-written situations, and of course the characters will delight all fans of the original franchise and simply exciting adventures.
Karatteristiċi :
* L-isbaħ mument fil-ħajja - 7 stejjer indeskrivibbli għas-subien
* Oħloq l-istorja tiegħek
* Ħu deċiżjonijiet li jaffettwaw l-istorja
* Oħloq il-kollezzjoni tiegħek tal-Univers BTS

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