Min hu Brain Teaser & Riddles v1.3.3 Mod (Unlimited Bulb + Ad Free Unlock) Apk

Min hu Brain Teaser & Riddles is an excellent dash quiz game that is full of tasks and situations where players need to use their observation, logic, intuition, knowledge of certain aspects of life, etc. After all, each time they are offered an original plot, multiple characters, as well as implicit facts that point to the correct answer. Well, the system of prompts will come to the rescue in case the player can't bring a liar or pretender to the surface. Beautiful graphics, a variety of levels, fun scenarios, and much more will delight those who love to train their brains.
Karatteristiċi :
* Issolvi l-puzzles u fittex ħjiel: Min qed jigdeb? Min hi l-omm? Min hu l-qattiel
* B'xejn biex tniżżel, ħielsa biex tilgħab, u ħielsa biex tgawdi. Ebda miżati moħbija.
* Għexieren ta 'livelli mimlijin puzzles delikati u miġnun.
* Xenarji u gameplay kumplessi bbażati fuq l-għażla.
* Grafika u animazzjonijiet professjonali.
* Effetti tal-ħoss immersivi u divertenti.
* Logħba kbira biex tiżviluppa ħiliet tal-moħħ u IQ.

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