Maniġer tat-trasport tal-Belt tal-Ajruport v8.25.3 Mod (Flus Illimitat) Apk

Belt Ajruport - Construction and design together with creativity should build a modern terminal with full, high quality, so that the aircraft can be flown at your own convenience to new places in the world that you want. Your job is very easy; All you have to do is take your plane in the air all over the city and want to land, place it anywhere you want. There will be many stories and many memories during your adventure that you will definitely not forget. You can also bring gifts from the resort for us.
* Ittestja l-ħiliet tiegħek bħala kmandant tal-linja tal-ajru, tiżviluppa l-ajruport tiegħek stess u ibni l-kollezzjoni tiegħek ta 'inġenji tal-ajru.
* Ħu r-rwol tat-tycoon aħħari.
* Enjoy managing an international transportation hub with many unique buildings and travel destinations in one of the most breathtaking tycoon games. Improve the infrastructure of your airport and megapolis to increase the number of travelers.
* Interazzjoni ma 'plejers li jaħsbuha l-istess li bħalek.
* Esplora d-dinja bl-ajruplan tiegħek.

Niżżel il-maniġer tat-trasport tal-Belt tal-Ajruport v8.25.3 Mod (Flus Illimitat) Apk B'xejn
