X Launcher Pro v3.3.3 APK төлбөртэй

X Launcher Pro v3.3.3 APK төлбөртэй

Apps , Урлаг ба Дизайн

Эхлүүлэгчийн хөгжүүлэгч

2.5/5 - (2 санал)

Тайлбар: X Launcher Pro is an application that offers you the best experience. This is an app based on IOS13 style theme that will make your phone look like iPhone X. It can change the look and function of your phone and make everything work like an iPhone X. You will feel the feeling that has never existed before. With the research of the manufacturers, this application keeps getting better and meets all the needs of the users. X Launcher Pro is designed to be extremely eye-catching and leave a strong impression on users. Rich and diverse photo library icons, accompanied by a wide variety of new wallpapers to bring you the most complete experience. The icon packs will also be customized like the iPhone X. Also, you can customize the icon and the name of the application. In addition, you can easily change the number of rows and columns of the application and crop an image you like as the background image of the icon.
X Launcher Pro creates folders the iOS way and you can move them with a single click, drag and drop or drag and drop. It's updated every day for you to catch up on, and you can even drag and drop weather and time widgets to the screen to make your life easier. X Launcher Pro always saves themes, downloaded wallpapers and important information. The application is always more advanced and developed to meet the needs of the customers and offer them the best experience. The application has also developed an excellent theme store to provide players with various themes and make it easier to choose. With its improvements, the application offers you ever smoother experiences like IOS13.

+ Зар байхгүй
+ OS13 загварын хяналтын төв
+ Төрөл бүрийн сэдэв
+ Хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн ханын цаас болон дүрсний багц
+ Тохируулах
+ Powerful app manager
+ Apple Style хавтас
+ Цаг агаар, цаг виджет
+ Аппликешнүүдийг нуух
+ Уншаагүй програмуудын тухай мэдэгдэл

Шаардлагатай Android хувилбарууд: Зайрмагны зайрмаг Нугат [4.0.3 - 4.0.4] - Oreo [4.1-4.3.1]

Download X Launcher Pro v3.3.3 APK Paid Free
