Rebel Cops v1.7 MOD (Неограничени пари) APK + ПОДАТОЦИ


In Бунтовници полицајци, the battle for justice takes a turn-based strategy on mobile platforms. Assume command of a group of renegade police officers waging a desperate fight in a city once their bastion against crime. The powerful crime lord, Viktor Zuev, cunningly seized control, turning the tables on the former enforcers of the law. Now branded as outlaws, the officers must dismantle Zuev's criminal empire, an endeavor fraught with peril.

The Last Stand for Justice

Viktor Zuev, an iron-fisted crime boss, has ruthlessly subjugated the town of Ripton. Its leaders and even the local police force have succumbed to his tyranny. A maestro of fear and coercion, Zuev holds sway over every major establishment, effectively turning them into his private domain. Yet, a band of rogue cops remains undaunted. Against staggering odds, they wage a relentless battle—for the soul of their town and for justice.

Tactics and Stealth: Your Best Weapons

Outnumbered and outgunned, you're entrenched in a guerrilla war. Rely on stealth, utilize cover, approach adversaries silently, and neutralize them before an alarm sounds. Non-lethal weaponry and specialized tactical advantages are at your disposal, with upgrades available for your rebels. While violence may at times be unavoidable, remember, there are no health bars for you or your enemies. When a shot is fired, blood will spill.

Explore, Scavenge, Survive

Бунтовници полицајци offers not only tight, intense missions but also sprawling sandbox environments to navigate. Scrutinize each room, crack safes, attempt access to restricted areas—secure anything that might prove valuable. Exercise caution, stick together, or opt for riskier solo exploration. The odds are stacked, and every decision could tip the scales.

Choose Your Path: Conscience or Conquest

Zuev's brutality is the linchpin of his dominion. Can you dismantle his empire without adopting his ruthless tactics? Will you answer the cries of the town's desperate populace, even at the expense of the operation? Can you spare civilian guards just doing their jobs? In war, survival often requires hard choices, but remember, your reputation is your currency. A tarnished name could alienate allies and impact crucial alliances. Merchants may turn you away, and even your own comrades might question your leadership.



* Focus on turn-based tactical operations.
* How long can you last if you keep running out of supplies?
* No health bars - a single shot can take the life of a police officer.
* Be stealthy, be quick and use your arsenal to full effect.
* Can you defeat the mob without following its rules?

MOD (Unlimited Money) APK: Supercharge Your Rebellion

Unlock boundless resources and seize the advantage with the MOD (Unlimited Money) APK. Bolster your arsenal, fortify your rebels, and tackle challenges with unprecedented financial freedom.

Engage in the epic struggle for justice in Бунтовници полицајци. Navigate treacherous terrain, make life-altering decisions, and challenge a crime lord's reign. Download the MOD (Unlimited Money) APK now to supercharge your fight for the soul of Ripton.

Download Rebel Cops v1.7 MOD (Unlimited money) APK + DATA Free




How to Download and Install Rebel Cops?

Прво, кликнете на копчето за преземање, датотеката APK ќе се преземе автоматски.
Лоцирајте ја преземената APK-датотека во папката Преземања на телефонот и отворете ја за да ја инсталирате.
Одете во поставките за мобилниот телефон, кликнете Безбедност, потоа Непознати ресурси.

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Како да инсталирате DATA/OBB?

Кликнете на .ZIP (OBB) архивата на играта, па ќе добиете листа каде што треба да изберете „Extract...“.
Одете до самиот почеток на патеката и кликнете на папката „Android“, а потоа кликнете на папката obb.
Кликнете на иконата Отпакувајте во долниот десен агол.
После тоа, програмата ќе започне со распакување на архивата, што може да потрае од неколку секунди до неколку минути, ќе го видите напредокот на распакувањето. Кога ќе завршите, ќе видите известување на дното:

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