CodyCross krustvārdu mīklas v1.44.1 Mod (Neierobežoti marķieri) Apk

CodyCross krustvārdu mīklas v1.44.1 Mod (Neierobežoti marķieri) Apk

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Fanatee, Inc.

Novērtēt šo ziņu

CodyCross krustvārdu mīklas — a nice pun like a crossword puzzle. The project will especially appeal to those who want to learn English or just want to test their knowledge. The main hero is an alien who crashed on our planet. He loved us and decides to go on a world tour. The problem, however, is that he does not understand what is said to him, residents and players, and should address this educational gap.
Iespējas :
* Explore beautifully crafted worlds with hundreds of levels to play the best crossword puzzles
* Each world brings new themes and genres that will challenge the wisest puzzle lovers
* Have fun testing your knowledge with mind games
* Inovatīva spēle, kas krustvārdu mīklām piešķir jaunu pavērsienu
* Pārbaudi savas valodas prasmes, izmantojot šīs prāta spēles

Download CodyCross Crossword Puzzles v1.44.1 Mod (Unlimited Tokens) Apk FRee
