Tiles Hop EDM Rush v3.7.2 Mod (Diñeiro ilimitado) Apk

Tiles Hop EDM Rush - Musical Rhythm Clapade in which you need to carry out endless marathons for selected melodies and compositions while your task is to control the ball, and try to move about moving cells as possible. In this case, the rhythm, duration, depends on the dynamics of the game directly from the selected composition. Visits are running the tile HOP-MOD APK in the best traditions of the genre and will undoubtedly become all fans of this direction.

* Contido xerado automaticamente: carga as túas cancións favoritas para ir á música
* Controis dun só toque, fáciles de xogar
* 20+ different backgrounds to bring you a new experience every time you play!
* Recoller fermosas peles para as súas pelotas de baile
* Bata a túa propia nota superior e atrévete aos teus mellores amigos a un desafío
* Comparte o teu rexistro cos teus amigos e compárao cos xogadores globais da táboa de clasificación.
* Conéctate á conta de Facebook e sincroniza o progreso gardado en varios dispositivos

Descarga Tiles Hop EDM Rush v3.7.2 Mod (Diñeiro Ilimitado) Apk libre
