Shooter Zombie Survival Zombeast 0.27 MOD (Airgead gun chrìoch)

Shooter Zombie Survival Zombeast 0.27 MOD (Airgead gun chrìoch)

Gnìomh , Geamannan

Foillseachadh Stoirmean

4.3 / 5 - (3 bhòt)

Shooter Zombie Survival Zombeast - Zombeast is a zombie shooter action game with unique gameplay and compelling features for players to have the best experience of killing zombies. In this world, players only have one task, which is to kill all the zombies in each mission and unlock new features to continue their journey. If you are looking for an offline zombie game with a lot of unique features, this game is well worth your time.

* Gameplay dian le grafaigean àile agus fuaim a tha a’ nochdadh apocalypse zombie sinister
* Bidh miseanan iomairt agus mion-amasan a’ toirt seachad dùbhlain leantainneach gus faighinn thairis air zombies seòlta
* Cuir às do zombies le dagaichean, raidhfilean snaidhpear, miniguns, gunnaichean, raidhfilean ionnsaigh, stuth-spreadhaidh, agus eadhon bata!
* Furasta ionnsachadh, duilich a mhaighstireachd air geama zombie.
* Thoir sùil air ìrean le mutators: bidh gach targaid marbh a’ fàs nas làidire agus nas luaithe!
* Dèan sgrios air zombies seòlta le armachd snasta anns a ’gheama zombie FPS seo!

Download Zombeast Survival Zombie Shooter v0.27 Mod (Unlimited Money) Apk Saor an-asgaidh
