Messenger Lite v297. APK

Messenger Lite v297. APK

Apps , komunikazioa

Meta Platforms Inc.

3/5 - (2 boto)

Deskribapenak: A fast and data efficient messaging app to reach the people in your life. Messenger Lite is lighter than the original version. However, it still retains excellent properties when it comes to supporting faster information sharing. It doesn't take up too much space on your device, reaches everywhere and offers the best experience when you try all the features it offers. Do an excellent job as a helpful messenger; we keep going! Guaranteed to create a trusting and safe space, but just as unique, we're sure you'll be happy with it.
Messenger Lite connects to other applications like Messenger, Facebook or Facebook Lite and allows users to communicate with people within the allowed contact range. Watch them and find them when the action begins! In addition, you can also choose the time to chat when activities are being recorded, and the blue dot will light up when other users are ready. Messenger Lite is best for connecting and sharing and longer chatting to get to know each other better. Besides entertainment activities, we also help you more with work. Compact and fast advantages have made many different users trust the choice. Experience the app and let us know what you think. The new version will be regularly updated with notable trends.
Ezaugarriak :

+ Azkar instalatu. 10 MB baino gutxiago dira deskargatzeko!
+ Datuak gordetzen ditu. Azkar kargatzen da, eraginkortasunez exekutatzen da eta datu mugikor gutxiago erabiltzen ditu.
+ Nonahi funtzionatzen du. Iritsi jendearengana Interneteko konexio motela edo ezegonkorra duen eremu batean zaudenean.
+ Jarri harremanetan edonorekin Messenger, Facebook edo Facebook Lite-n.
+ Ikusi jendea aktibo dagoen eta txateatzeko erabilgarri dagoenean.
+ Bidali mezuak jendeari bakarka edo taldeka ideiak trukatzeko edo planak egiteko.
+ Bidali argazkiak, estekak edo adierazi eranskailuekin.

Beharrezko Android bertsioak: Izozki-ogitartekoa [4.0.3–4.0.4] - Jelly Bean [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lollipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Turroia [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Deskargatu Messenger Lite v297. APK doan
