Hue Essentials Philips Hue ja TRÃ…DFRI v1.24.1 APK on lukustamata

Kirjeldused: Imagine unlimited possibilities in your smart home. Set scenes and quick effects to suit your mood.
Experience dance sensation in your entertainment area with Philips Hue Entertainment. Enjoy a more colorful ambience on your IKEA TRADFRI gateway.
With schedules and automation from sunrise to sunset, you have more control. Widgets, shortcuts, quick setting tiles and Wear OS help you get more out of your smart lights.

Vajalikud Androidi versioonid: Jäätisevõileib [4.0.3–4.0.4] - tarretis [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - pulgakomm [5.0–5.0.2] - vahukommi [6.0–6.0.1] - Nuuga [7.0–7.1.1] - oreo [8.0–8.1]

Download Hue Essentials Philips Hue & TRÅDFRI v1.24.1 APK Unlocked Free
