Lær Koranen Tajwid v8.5.1 Premium APK

Lær Koranen Tajwid v8.5.1 Premium APK

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Beskrivelser: Learn Quran Tajwid is a high quality application that offers Quran lessons on an online platform. The special rooms of the application will help you gain more knowledge about lectures at all levels. All in one verified Quran learning app to learn how to recite Holy Quran. With technology, learning how to recite Quran with correct tajweed is better, easier and faster than ever! Learn Quran Tajwid app offers comprehensive lessons: from very basic to advanced Quran Tajweed lessons, making this app suitable for learners of all levels: whether you don't know how to recite Quran Majeed at all or you can recite but want Improve your Tajwid/Tajweed and Makhraj, i.e. H. the Tahsin or Quran recitation.
Learn Quran Tajwid builds a theoretical system under various topics to ensure the quality in each lecture. Each lesson contains both theory and detailed explanations of the content covered. In addition, the system expands and deepens knowledge through accompanying concrete examples. In order to be able to remember the learned content correctly, various practice units are organised. It's time for people to review their knowledge and control the amount of information they consume. Learn Quran Tajwid helps people increase their knowledge of the Quran, make them aware of the lessons and master what is being taught. Many stories and visual examples are incorporated into the traditional lessons to keep you engaged. This is a great way to learn and practice the Quran; Different experiences in a private room will help you to improve your understanding.

+ Voice: Voice narration of Arabic scripts so you can learn to pronounce the script perfectly.
+ Øvelseshjælpemidler: translitteration af den arabiske tekst og emnefremhævning. Disse funktioner kan slås til og fra, som du ønsker.
+ Optagelse: Optag dine stemmer, så du kan sammenligne din recitation med fortællingen eller få din lærer til at bedømme den senere.
+ Pictures & Videos: Explaining Makharij needs a picture, explaining Ishmam needs a video etc. This app provides them.
+ Placement test: test to find out how well you know Tajweed.
+ Mit resultat: Spor dine læringsfremskridt i Koran-recitation.
+ Auto-evalueringstest: Automatisk evaluerede test for uafhængigt at måle din forståelse.
+ Bogmærker: Marker dine seneste lektioner og lektioner, du vil lære.

Krævede Android-versioner: Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download Lær Koranen Tajwid v8.5.1 Premium APK gratis
