Gwallgofrwydd Mutant TMNT 1.41.0 Mod (Ynni Llenwi Instant) Apk

Gwallgofrwydd Mutant TMNT - RPG based on the exciting adventures of the mutant ninja turtles in their teens. Together with them and also with other heroes of this universe, the user will fight to save the world. To achieve this, the player must assemble a team that will fight the villains in a variety of jobs. All team members can be greatly improved by unlocking skills and abilities. The team is also being updated with new characters with special attacks and unique abilities.
Nodweddion :
* Casglu a hyfforddi cynghreiriaid o'r bydysawd TMNT i ymgynnull grŵp radical o'ch hoff gymeriadau.
* Cymerwch reolaeth ar y Crwban Môr! Datgloi ac uwchraddio ystafelloedd newydd i helpu'ch arwyr.
* Cwblhau quests i gael gwobrau epig!
* Rhowch ymosodiadau arbennig a sgiliau pwerus i'r crwbanod i drechu llu o ninjas Foot Clan ar draws y multiverse!

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