Sun Locator Pro v4.22-pro Wedi'i Dalu

Sun Locator Pro v4.22-pro Wedi'i Dalu

apps , ffotograffiaeth


Cyfradd y swydd hon

Disgrifiadau: Sun Locator predicts the position and path of the sun and moon in a specific location during the course of a day.

Nodweddion :

+ Arbedwch eich hoff leoedd
+ Defnyddiwch yr amser presennol neu dewiswch unrhyw adeg o'r dydd
+ Get data on sunrise / sunset times, twilight (twilight / dawn), recording times (blue and golden hour)
+ Sicrhewch ddata ar godiad y lleuad / machlud a chyfnod y lleuad
+ Show the position of the sun and moon at the selected location and the time that is displayed on the camera of your device
+ Overlay the sun and moon orbit on the map and anticipate the shadow cast (map function)
+ Track the position of the sun and moon by using the slider to set a time of day and day of the year

Fersiynau Gofynnol Android: Nougat [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Dadlwythwch Sun Locator Pro 4.22-pro Wedi'i Dalu Am Ddim
