MAPS.ME - Mapiau all-lein, canllawiau teithio a llywio 12.2.I-Google Mod Extra APK

Disgrifiadau: Fast, detailed and completely offline maps with Turn + by + Turn Navigation + are trusted by over 140 million travelers worldwide.
Nodweddion :

+ Save mobile data, no internet required.
+ Directions to points of interest (POI), hiking trails and places that are missing on other maps.
+ Maps are updated daily by millions of OpenStreetMap contributors. OSM is an open + source alternative to popular map services.
+ Offline search, GPS navigation along with optimized maps to effectively save storage space.
+ Arbedwch leoedd rydych chi'n eu caru a rhannwch nhw gyda'ch ffrindiau.
+ New online city traffic maps. Find out about the latest traffic information and fastest driving routes in 36 countries!
+ Browse different categories e.g. restaurants, cafes, sights, hotels, ATMs and public transport (subway, bus ...)
+ Make hotel bookings via directly from the app
+ Rhannwch eich lleoliad trwy SMS neu gyfryngau cymdeithasol
+ When cycling or walking, the app shows whether you are going uphill or downhill

Fersiynau Gofynnol Android: Lolipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download MAPS.ME – Offline maps, travel guides & navigation v12.2.I-Google Mod Extra APK Free

MAPS.ME- v12.2.1-Google_build_71232-Mod.apk