RUSH Rise up special heroes v1.0.105 Mod (Dany alt + Immortal) Apk

RUSH Rise up special heroes v1.0.105 Mod (Dany alt + Immortal) Apk

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RUSH Rise up herois especials - Anime-style RPG. First, the player can choose the race, gender and appearance of the character and then go on an exciting adventure full of dangerous battles and studies of a large open world with him. Throughout the journey, the hero will improve his skills and get stronger. There is also the possibility of forming a clan with friends in order to face the enemy guilds. The project is characterized by excellent graphics, interesting gameplay and simple controls.
* Mode d'aventura per a l'entrenament continu del personatge! Centenars de passos!
* Si el mode d'aventura és massa difícil, prova la Torre del desafiament!
* Prova l'Arena Fight si creus que estàs preparat!
* Lluita contra el cap mundial amb pressa!
* Juga a Guild Boss Raid en temps real amb altres herois!
* Recull pedres de l'ànima per conquerir Herois a Overlords!
* Desenvolupa els teus herois recopilant elements de l'evolució al Daily Dungeon!

Download RUSH Rise up special heroes v1.0.105 Mod (High damage + Immortal) Apk Free
