QuickEdit Text Editor Writer & Code Editor v1.8.6 Mod Extra APK desbloquejat

QuickEdit Text Editor Writer & Code Editor v1.8.6 Mod Extra APK desbloquejat

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Descripcions: QuickEdit Pro APK has features that enable programmers to work on Android devices with large file sizes. Compatibility with Android devices allows users to freely program, access and store files in the cloud. QuickEdit Text Editor is a fast, stable, and full-featured text editor. It has been optimized for use on phones and tablets. The QuickEdit text editor can be used as a standard text editor for plain text files or as a code editor for programming files. It is suitable for both general and professional use. The QuickEdit text editor includes a number of performance optimizations and user experience improvements. The speed and responsiveness of the app is much better than other text editor apps commonly found on Google Play.
In the new version of QuickEdit users will find specific stability where you can find the stability of the application for the two new operating systems Android 11 and 12. Compatibility is useful when it preserves the user experience and allows the user to take advantage of the application's capabilities over the long term. At the same time, this is also understandable if code editing takes a long time and is not interrupted. One exciting thing about using QuickEdit is the number of lines of code you can add to this application. The number can be up to 10000 rows to easily and continuously develop the projects you want. Also, given the large number of lines of code file, you can easily open many large files within the limits that this application can easily support.
Característiques :

+ Improved Notepad application with numerous improvements.
+ Navegueu fàcilment entre diverses pestanyes obertes.
+ Mostra o amaga els números de línia.
+ Desfer i refer canvis il·limitats.
+ Show line indents, increase or decrease.
+ Funcions de selecció i edició ràpides.
+ Suport per a teclats físics, incloses les tecles de drecera.
+ Desplaçament suau tant verticalment com horitzontalment.
+ Aim directly at a specific line number.
+ Trobeu i substituïu contingut ràpidament.
+ Easy input of hex color values.
+ Automatically detect character set and encoding.
+ Automatically identify new lines.
+ Various fonts and sizes.
+ Preview HTML, CSS and Markdown files.
+ Obre fitxers de col·leccions de fitxers obertes o afegides recentment.
+ Possibilitat d'editar fitxers del sistema en dispositius arrelats.
+ Integració i accés fàcil a GitHub i GitLab.
+ Accediu a fitxers des de FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox i OneDrive.
+ Eina pràctica per editar fitxers INI, LOG, TXT i jocs de pirateig.
+ Admet temes clars i foscos.
+ Ús optimitzat per a telèfons i tauletes.

Versions necessàries per a Android: Jelly Bean [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lollipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Torró [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0- 8.1]

Download QuickEdit Text Editor Writer & Code Editor v1.8.6 Mod Extra APK Unlocked Free
