Jobmania Eternal Dungeon v1.7.2.2 Mod (Nivell de feina alt + Anti Ban) Apk

Jobmania Eternal Dungeon v1.7.2.2 Mod (Nivell de feina alt + Anti Ban) Apk

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Jobmania Eternal Dungeon -
another endless project, with a random generation of everything that awaits the protagonist on the way to the great goal. Why it's far, far away. And that makes the gameplay even more attractive. Hundreds of possible candidates for the Chosen One, two hundred assignments, a variety of skills and abilities, and everything else. It is easy and uncomplicated to obey the control with one hand. This makes the game an excellent choice for anyone looking for adventure and heroism, but who at the same time doesn't want to pay all their attention to the process.
* Rogue Lite, enemics procedimentals i generació d'esdeveniments
* Dungeon crawler, descend as far as you can into the dungeon
* Construcció de coberta estratègica i combat per torns
* Més de 400 herois, més de 200 llocs de treball, més de 900 habilitats i més de 50 capítols
* Acquire and add random skills to your deck by defeating chests and defeating enemies

Download Jobmania Eternal Dungeon v1.7.2.2 Mod (High Job Lvl + Anti Ban) Apk Free
