Photomath v8.5.0 APK Plus

Photomath v8.5.0 APK Plus

Apps , Təhsil

İnkişaf etdirici :
Photomath, Inc.

4.5/5 - (2 səs)

Təsvirlər: Photomath will erase the obsession with solving math problems for many generations of today's students in just one note. With just a simple operation, everyone can quickly get the answer. The application can quickly solve all the problems you specified, but some complex problems will take a long time to wait for the answer. What is special, however, is that you are provided with many different solutions to a problem. You can resort to many other methods to find out which is the easiest solution for you. It also helps you open your mind and absorb practical knowledge that you didn't learn from teachers in the classroom. Photomath gives you the right answer in no time and helps you see each step of the problem in depth and detail. If you still don't understand why the application gives such results, just select the View Solution Steps section and all the necessary information will be fully commented. This allows you to understand the nature of the problem and the requirements that the problem presents so that you can apply it to similar problems.
Xüsusiyyətləri :

+ Scan or type a math problem
+ Word problem explanations!
+ İstifadəsi pulsuzdur
+ Hər bir həll üçün addım-addım izahatlar
+ Exclusive how-to animations
+ We solve math problems using multiple methods!
+ Çoxfunksiyalı elmi kalkulyator
+ İnteraktiv qrafika

Lazım olan Android versiyaları: Dondurma sendviçi [4.0.3–4.0.4] - Jelly Bean [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lolipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Zefir [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Photomath v8.5.0 APK Plus pulsuz yükləyin


