Gözlərinizi açın Survival.io v1.3.1 MOD (Reklamlara baxmadan mükafatlar qazanın) APK


Open your eyes: Survival.io is an action game that will delight players with very beautiful graphics, dynamic gameplay, as well as various factors inherent in games with an RPG component. The main character will be a character stuck in a dream. Monsters and monsters gather strength to leave him here forever. Also, players have to help the poor guy to break out of the current situation with fights. They have weapons, special abilities, bonuses, upgrades, pumps, as well as their own abilities for lightning-fast maneuvering in extremely tense situations. You won't get bored here. You just don't have the time or energy for that.
Don't ask why, because you have to do it now. In your nightmare, monsters come from everywhere and try to defeat you and prevent you from waking up.

What to do? You need to gather enough resources, don a variety of legendary gear, and eliminate the powerful monsters in the nightmare to wake yourself up. Resources are scattered in every corner of the nightmare. Equipment is dropped by the monsters. Or you can also go to the dream store to extract more powerful resources to destroy these ruthless monsters.

Xüsusiyyətləri :

* Easy handling. Your goal is to survive to the end
* Cool ability and equipment binding effects
* Rougelike! Different experiences in each challenge.
* Thrilling chapter scene and challenge against a variety of monsters
* Endless challenges, challenge yourself to the limit

Download Open your eyes Survival.io v1.3.1 MOD (Earn rewards without watching ads) APK Free


How to Download and Install Open your eyes Survival.io?

Əvvəlcə yükləmə düyməsini sıxın, APK faylı avtomatik yüklənəcək.
Yüklənmiş APK faylını telefonunuzun Yükləmələr qovluğunda tapın və quraşdırmaq üçün açın.
Mobil parametrlərinizə gedin, Təhlükəsizlik, sonra Naməlum Resurslar düyməsini basın.

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