Büdcə Kitabım v8.10.1 APK Ödənişli

Büdcə Kitabım v8.10.1 APK Ödənişli

Apps , maliyyə

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Bu yazı dərəcəsi

Təsvirlər: My budget book helps you manage your money more effectively by simply keeping track of your income and expenses.
Use the single or recurring transaction features to track and forecast your balances. You can also visualize your recordings with dynamic charts and graphs.
Xüsusiyyətləri :

+ Offline: no internet authorization to protect your privacy. (But you can easily share backups in the cloud. *)
+ No advertising or hidden in-app costs (only voluntary donations).
+ Personalize your Material Design layout including the configurable dark mode.
+ Comprehensive views with practical tabs and a variety of sorting options.
+ Easily visualize your data as tables or graphics and understand your income and expenses in a new way.
+ Manage multiple accounts and make transfers between them.
+ Customize your categories and sub-categories to accurately reflect your unique situation.
+ Activate the sorting that distinguishes certain categories, payment methods, people or groups.
+ Add photos or receipts to your transactions to help you remember transaction details or reduce paperwork.
+ Use reminders to make outstanding payments on time.
+ Set the start of the month based on your regular salary (e.g. 1st or 15th).
+ Coordinate your expenses with your bank statement.
+ Create your own templates to make transaction entry even easier.
+ Protect your sensitive data with a password or fingerprint (optional).
+ Import existing data or account statements via the CSV import (other formats can be made available on request).
+ Export your data as an HTML, Excel or CSV file so that you can view or print it with your computer.
+ Automatic local backups so you never lose your data. (Make your own anytime, too.)
+ 4 widgets bring convenience to your home screen.

Lazım olan Android versiyaları: Dondurma sendviçi [4.0.3–4.0.4] - Jelly Bean [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lolipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Zefir [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download My Budget Book v8.10.1 APK Paid Free
