War Robots - War Robot: The ultimate MOBA for mobile devices, everyone should try it once in a lifetime. If you're not familiar with Pixonic's MOBA game released as War Robot, then you might not be a real fan of mobile games.
Perhaps the first problem they encountered when they first played War Robot was that it was quite difficult to move about. This is the intention of Pixonic when, in addition to the detailing of the movements, the speed of movement is a strategic factor in order to guarantee the difficulty in the game. It can be a challenge that increases the player's curiosity and conquest, but on the other hand, it can be a double-edged sword if it doesn't bring in many long-term players, the goal of the game is safe will be limited.
* Choose your fighter. Over 50 robots with unique designs and skills let you find your own style.
* To adjust. Each robot can be equipped with weapons and modules of your choice.
* Fight together in multiplayer mode. Team up with others! Join a powerful clan to find trusted partners (and friends!) Or even start your own!
* Research the lore. The world of War Robots is growing and expanding with every update, and the ever-growing community is always ready to help you.