Descriptions : Get the award-winning personal finance and money management app to manage money now! Track your expenses, monitor your transactions, create your monthly budget, try to save money and much more. You can also link your Money Lover wallet to your bank account to automatically track your transaction history. Money Lover is a must-have app for personal finance management. Managing finances becomes super easy and quick!
Features :
+ Tracking of more than 1 wallet
+ Add credit wallet
+ Unlimited financial plan & budgets
+ Create target wallets
+ Create a savings wallet
+ Create a financial plan to pay off your debts.
+ Export transactions to CSV, Excel.
+ Enjoy the support of financial experts.
+ Attach images.
+ Remove ads and enjoy the ad-free app experience.
Required Android Versions : Lollipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 – 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]
Download Money Lover Spending Manager v6.14.0 Premium APK Free